2020年抗战时期延安日本问题研究会述论 张牧云


中共党史研究 2017 年第 12 期



〔摘要〕1939 年,八路军总政治部敌工部为加强对日敌情研究在延安成立日本问题研究会。随着野 坂参三以及一批年轻的延安 “日本通” 调入敌工部,研究会逐渐发展为中共对日研究的智库型机构。 延安日本问题研究会根据第一手敌情资料,对日本政治与军事战略进行了深入剖析,并从民众角度分 析日本的社会问题,宣传日本人民生活疾苦与厌战思想。延安日本问题研究会的敌情研究不仅是中共 对日作战和对日政策的重要参考材料,还为中共建立国际反法西斯统一战线提供了思想依据。

〔关键词〕 日本问题研究会; 敌情研究; 国际反法西斯统一战线 〔中图分类号〕 D231; K265 〔文献标志码〕 〔文章编号〕1003 - 3815( 2017) - 12 - 0052 - 16

Review of the Yan’an Research Institute on Japan during the nti-Japanese War

Zhang Muyun

bstract: In 1939,the Enemy Work Department of the Eighth Route rmy General Political Department organized a seminar on Japan in Yan’an in order to strengthen study of the Japanese situation. s Nosaka Sanzo and a group of young Yan’an“experts on Japan”were transferred to the Enemy Work Department,the research institute gradually became a CPC think tank to study Japan. Based on first-hand information on the Japanese situation,the Yan’an Research Institute on Japan conducted in-depth analyses of Japan’s political and military strategies,analyzed Japan’s social issues from a public perspective,and publicized information about the hardships of the Japanese people and their resentment of the war. The studies of the Japanese situation by the Yan’an Research Institute not

only provided important reference material for the CPC in its war against Japan and for China’s policy toward

Japan but it also provided an ideological basis for the CPC to establish an international anti-Fascist united front.




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