2020年延安时期毛泽东哲学小组活动始末 张忠山


中共党史研究 2017 年第 12 期



〔摘要〕 为了提高中共应对抗日战争时局的理论水平,延安时期的毛泽东发起哲学小组,组织理论 工作者和高级干部开展以辩证唯物论和军事战略问题为中心的理论研究,在学习中注重提高干部运用 马克思主义理论分析革命实际的能力,并引发各类学习小组的相继成立和全党开展学习运动。发端于 毛泽东哲学小组的学习活动,推动了中共理论联系实际思想方法的确立,也是毛泽东本人在历史时局 转换关头理论自觉意识的体现。

〔关键词〕 延安时期; 哲学小组; 毛泽东; 马克思主义中国化 〔中图分类号〕 D231; K265 〔文献标志码〕 〔文章编号〕1003 - 3815( 2017) - 12 - 0042 - 10

The Beginning and End of the ctivities of the Mao Zedong Philosophy Group during the Yan’an Period Zhang Zhongshan

bstract: The historical practice of the CPC demonstrates that whether or not Marxist theory is correctly applied to the reality of the Chinese revolution will affect the success or failure of the Chinese revolution and will inspire the leaders to reflect upon the problem of taking the correct historical path . In order to raise the theoretical level of the CPC so as to cope with the current situation in the nti-Japanese War,Mao Zedong established a philosophy group in Yan’an and organized theoretical workers and senior cadres to carry out theoretical research focusing on dialectical materialism and military strategy issues and to emphasize improving the ability of cadres to make use of Marxist theory to analyze the reality of the revolution,which led to the establishment of all types of study groups in which the entire party participated. The study activities initiated by Mao Zedong’s philosophy group promoted the methodology of linking theory with practice in the party and it also embodied Mao Zedong’s theoretical consciousness during the period of the transformation of the historical situation.

中共将马克思主义作为革命指南,对马克 思主义理论问题的研究和把握深刻影响中国革 命的进程。大革命时期和土地革命时期,中共 掌握及运用马克思主义理论指导革命实践的能 力薄弱,是造成革命事业屡遭重挫的重要因素 之一。中共领导人对这一问题的反思则经历了 一个由 浅 入 深 的 渐 进 过 程。到 土 地 革 命 后 期, 中央领导人经长征抵达陕北后,开始采取一系 列措施加强理论建设,如创办较为正规的干部 学校,设立马克思主义经典著作编译机构,出 版发行报刊书籍等,从而在全党范围内开展马 克思主义理论学习,以及运用马克思主义对中




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